Page 71 - Virtual Vascular Vol 13
P. 71

Matured Arterio-venous Fistula

          This patient has history of end-stage renal failure. He had a radiocephalic AVF

          created for haemodialysis at wrist (also called “Brescia-Cimino fistula” after
          invention by Drs. James Cimino and Michael J. Brescia in 1966)

          After surgical anastomosis of the cephalic vein to the radial artery, the high flow
          arterial blood travels to the low resistance cephalic vein. Maturation of the AVF
          gradually occurs in few weeks causing increase in flow and dilatation of the

          vein. This allows adequate flow of blood  and easy needling for the connection
          to a haemodialysis machine

          This patient later received a renal transplantation and no longer needs HD.

          Surgical ligation of the AVF is performed to avoid symptoms arising from the
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